Chris Sears

Liberal Arts Mathematics Week 1 Information

Week 1 - Start Here

  1. Read Section 6.1 of the textbook. A PDF version is uploaded in the page “Understanding Percents - Reading”. Focus on the subsections:
    • Convert Between Percent, Decimal, and Fractional Values
    • Calculate the Total, Percent, or Part
    • Solve Application Problems Involving Percents
  2. Do the assignment “Understanding Percents - Assignment”.
  3. Read Section 6.2 of the textbook. A PDF version is uploaded in the page “Discounts, Markup, and Sales Tax - Reading”.
  4. Do the assignment “Discounts, Markup, and Sales Tax - Assignment”.

Note The video setting changed over the summer, so the videos are broken. I’m in the process of updating the videos.

Understanding Percents - Assignment

The following are from Section 6.1 of the textbook. They are problems 5, 6, 7, 21, 22, and 23. Answer the problems.

In the following exercises, rewrite the percent in decimal form.

5 . 18%

6 . 9%

7 . 71.2%

21 . 36 people in a village of 150 want to install a new splashpad at the local playground. What percent of the village wants to install the new splashpad?

22 . Mitena is enrolled in a movie appreciation course. There are 84 students (including Mitena) in the course. After having the students fill out a survey, the professor informs the students that 45.2% chose horror as their favorite movie genre. How many students in Mitena’s class chose horror as their favorite movie genre? Round off to the nearest integer.

23 . Jadyn’s dorm has a “Rick and Morty night” every Wednesday during the semester. One Wednesday, 27 students from the dorm come to watch the TV show Rick and Morty. Jadyn knows this is 30% of the dorm’s residents. How many students reside in the dorm?

Discounts, Markup, and Sales Tax - Assignment

These problems are from Section 6.2 of the textbook. They are problems 1, 3, 5, 13, 15, 19, 31, 33, and 35.

For the following exercises, use the given values to find the indicated value. Round percent results to 2 decimal places. Round money results to the penny (2 decimal places).

1 . Retail price = $399.00, percent discount = 30%, find the sale price.

3 . Retail price = 125.00, sale price = 90.00, find the percent discount.

5 . Sale price = $145.70, percent discount = 20%, find the retail price.

13 . Cost = $130.00, percent markup = 34%, find the retail price.

15 . Cost = 68.45, retail price = 109.90, find the percent markup.

In the following exercises, find the sales tax and total paid.

19 . Retail price = $17.99; sales tax rate = 7.5%

Answer the following.

31 . Harris has a coupon for 20% off for any purchase. She finds a new tennis racket for $278.00. How much is the price after the coupon is applied?

33 . Resa purchased a new game for her cousin. After sales tax, she paid 41.13. Find the sales tax rate she paid if the purchase price of the game was 38.99.

35 . Doug opens a used auto parts store. He pays $30 for a car door. How much will he charge if his percent markup is 60%?