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Babylonian Radish Pie

The Riddler Express for September 17, 2021 ask us to iteratively measure flour. Can You Bake the Radish Pie?

I recently came across a rather peculiar recipe for something called Babylonian radish pie. Intrigued, I began to follow the directions, which said I could start with any number of cups of flour.

Any number? I mean, I had to start with some flour, so zero cups wasn’t an option. But according to the recipe, any positive value was fair game. Next, I needed a second amount of flour that was 3 divided by my original number. For example, if I had started with two cups of flour, then the recipe told me I now needed 3 divided by 2, or 1.5, cups at this point. I was then instructed to combine these amounts of flour and discard half. Apparently, this was my new starting amount of flour. I was to repeat the process, combining this amount with 3 divided by it and then discarding half.

The recipe told me to keep doing this, over and over. Eventually, I’d have the proper number of cups of flour for my radish pie.

How many cups of flour does the recipe ultimately call for?

One way to solve the problem is to let a program try several different values for the initial amount of flour and follow the process to the end. Here is a visualization of that process using a web diagram.

The web diagram shows that our process converges to a fixed point. To calculate the value of the fixed point, we just need a little algebra. \[ \begin{align*} \frac12 \left( x + \frac3x \right) &= x \\ x + \frac3x &= 2x \\ x^2 + 3 &= 2x^2 \\ 3 &= x^2 \\ x = \pm \sqrt{3} \end{align*} \] So, our algebraic solution is \( \sqrt{3} = 1.73205\).

(Of course, it helps to read the problem statement correctly.)

“x/3”? 🤔

— Zach Wissner-Gross (@xaqwg) September 17, 2021

Solving an equation using an iterative method apears in several forms. One example is Newton's Method. To solve the equation \(f(x) = 0\) using Newton's method, start with an initial guess \(x_0\) and the repeatedly apply the formula \(x_{n+1}=x_{n} - \frac{f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)}\). For the function \(f(x) = x^2 - a\), we get the following. \[ \begin{align*} x_{n+1} &= x_n - \frac{{x_n}^2 - a}{2x_n} \\ &= x_n - \frac{{x_n}^2}{2x_n} + \frac{a}{2x_n} \\ &= x_n - \frac{x_n}{2} + \frac{a}{2x_n} \\ &= \frac{x_n}{2} + \frac{a}{2x_n} \\ &= \frac{1}{2} \left( x_n + \frac{a}{x_n} \right) \end{align*} \] The recipe was Newton's Method all along. The method in the recipe is the Babylonian method for calculating square root.

Full source code at the online p5.js editor. Link to sketch